Wednesday 3 June 2009

Shouldn't have the PLP done this months ago?

I'm highly skeptical that this mythical e-mail will get enough signatures to get rid of the PM (in itself), but even if it does; shouldn't the PLP have done this months ago?

If Labour MPs finally oust Gordon Brown as PM, the unavoidable consequence will be to force an immediate general election. The country simply will not accept another unelected prime minister.

A recession, particularly this one, will always damage the governing party that got the country into it. Gordon Browns complete absence of a political instinct coupled with his unusual predilection to that old tabloid favourate 'the gaffe' only compound the problem. The long term effect of this is to damage the Labour Party.

Every day the party remains in power during a recession AND such an unpopular leader they damage themselves more and more; and confine themselves to opposition for longer and longer. 

So with this in mind, my question is why haven't the safe seat Labour MPs forced an election earlier in order to protect the long term survival of their party before now?